Morris Alper
I am a PhD student in machine learning, supervised by
Dr. Hadar Averbuch-Elor.
I research multimodal learning, combining vision with modalities such as language and three-dimensional data for complex tasks requiring high-level semantic understanding.
I received my MSc with honors from Tel Aviv University in Computer Science and my BSc from MIT with a dual major in mathematics and linguistics. I was a research scientist intern at Meta in 2024, and have industry experience working as a data scientist and teaching machine learning to industry professionals.
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ProtoSnap: Prototype Alignment for Cuneiform Signs
Rachel Mikulinsky*,
Morris Alper*,
Shai Gordin,
Enrique Jimenez,
Yoram Cohen,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
*Equal contribution
ICLR, 2025
We propose ProtoSnap, a method for aligning prototype-based skeletons to cuneiform sign scans, and show it has applications for downstream cuneiform OCR.
WAFFLE: Multimodal Floorplan Understanding in the Wild
Keren Ganon*,
Morris Alper*,
Rachel Mikulinsky,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
*Equal contribution
WACV, 2025
We introduce WAFFLE, a novel multimodal floorplan understanding dataset of nearly 20K diverse floorplan images and metadata, and we show that this data enables progress on new building understanding tasks.
Mitigating Open-Vocabulary Caption Hallucinations
Assaf Ben-Kish,
Moran Yanuka,
Morris Alper,
Raja Giryes,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
EMNLP, 2024
We propose a framework for addressing open-vocabulary hallucinations in image captioning models, including a new benchmark
and a reinforcement learning-based method to reduce such hallucinations.
Emergent Visual-Semantic Hierarchies in Image-Text Representations
Morris Alper,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
ECCV (Oral), 2024
We show that foundation VLMs like CLIP model visual-semantic hierarchies, proposing the Radial Embedding framework for probing and optimizing this knowledge and the HierarCaps dataset of ground-truth image caption hierarchies.
ICC : Quantifying Image Caption Concreteness for Multimodal Dataset Curation
Moran Yanuka,
Morris Alper,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor,
Raja Giryes
ACL (Findings), 2024
We quantify image caption concreteness using information loss in foundation vision-language models,
and use this score to filter web-scale multimodal datasets.
Learning Geometry-Guided Semantics for Exploring Unconstrained Photo Collections
Chen Dudai*,
Morris Alper*,
Hana Bezalel,
Rana Hanocka,
Itai Lang,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
*Equal contribution
Eurographics, 2024
We learn a semantic localization field for textual descriptions over collections of in-the-wild
images depicting a large-scale scene.
Kiki or Bouba? Sound Symbolism in Vision-and-Language Models
Morris Alper,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
NeurIPS (Spotlight), 2023
Presentation from IMVC 2024
By generating images using prompts containing pseudowords (nonsense words) and analyzing their
we show that AI image generation models show sound-shape associations similar to those known from
human psychology.
Learning Human-Human Interactions in Images from Weak Textual Supervision
Morris Alper,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
ICCV, 2023
We model human-human interaction understanding in images as free text
generation, provide a new benchmark and show how to learn this with weak supervision from Internet
image captions.
Is BERT Blind? Exploring the Effect of Vision-and-Language Pretraining on Visual Language
Morris Alper*,
Michael Fiman*,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
*Equal contribution
CVPR, 2023
We find that multimodally trained text encoders outperform unimodally
trained text encoders on visual reasoning in text.
Featured in the News:
- Our work on the Kiki-Bouba effect and sound symbolism in AI models was featured
in the Haaretz newspaper (Hebrew language). I was also interviewed about this work on the
Kan Tarbut morning radio program
(recording link,
46:30-60:00, Hebrew language).
Blog Posts and Projects:
Awards and Honors:
As a high school student, I qualified to join the USA team at the International
Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) for three years (2008, 2009, 2011). In particular, in 2011 I won
1st place (gold medal)
on individual and team rounds in 2011 as well as receiving the Zhurinski Memorial Prize and a best
solution award. I also received a silver medal (tied for 6th place) in 2008 and our team won the
team round in 2009.